Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
Think about things in life. Yesterday, through the work of God I was able to witness these things:
1. Part of a man's rent is paid and he was most gracious;
2. A homeless man was given 3 lbs. of nails and he is erecting a structure for the winter- he was very happy;
3. A homeless man was given a new bike to travel around with and he was extremely excited;
4. A homeless family just was able to get an apartment and had bunk beds delivered, from a church, and they were overjoyed.
Then, many people complain because they ate at a restaurant and something was not cooked just right. Or unhappy because they want a new car. Mad because they are in the same position at their job. Upset because someone was given something and they were not. Hmmmm!
What is important to you? Life? Material things? Maybe God, if, and only if you have time?
The most important item we should have on our agenda is GOD, and planting the seeds of salvation for HIS kingdom.
Take time today to do a little soul searching. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace