Tuesday, November 18, 2014

God? Who is that? Oh, how we have forgotten!!!!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
   There is a radio program called "Back to Genesis" which is a good Bible study each day.  I would like to remind you of back to Genesis when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.  Why?  Why would God do such a thing.  Because of the evil that existed in these towns and the plains around it.  The people had no guidance, no stopping point.  They were ruthless, violent homosexual to the point they would play with foreign folly and when through just kill them.  No big deal.  Hmmmm!  That is not what God thinks.
    The openly gay woman mayor of Houston decided to go after some ministers for "hate" speech, because they actively taught from the BIBLE!   In Cleveland, Ohio they are pushing a law where 'transsexuals' may enter the bathroom of their choice.  If you feel feminine today use the ladies, later feel masculine use the mens room.  How wrong is this? 
   I can see young inquisitive males and females use this to their advantage.  Hmmm, do you think sex crimes may increase in this city?
   And to boot, if a business does not open the bathrooms to both sexs they will endure a heavy fine. Wow!!  Has mankind lost their minds?  Lost good ole common sense?  What is going on?
   Christians do not hate homosexuals, just the sin.  Christians do not hate alcoholics, just the sin. Christians do not hate drug addicts, just the sin.  Christians do not hate thieves, just the sin. And we could go on and on.  But, if we, as Christians speak out against any of this it is 'hate speech', yet they can call us names, ban our crosses from public view, strip scriptures off building, but this is not hate speech and actions?
    Man, do we need God in America and the whole world.  Prayer my friend is the answer.  Take time to pray for America and the world.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I'm mad at hell and ain't gonna take it no more!!! Christians, Americans, we are under attack!!!!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
  WOW!!  Is Satan alive and well with his band of demons attacking the Christians?  Yes, yes, yes!!!  Not a pretty sight; and we, the people, sit by an watch.  Thank heavens a few take action.  The conservative Christians must have finally come out to vote.  There was a shift in power in our political system.  Maybe, just maybe we can get back to God.  We need lots of prayer.
     The mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, an openly gay lady did attack pastors for what? Read this: 
The fury at Parker, who is openly gay, concerns a lawsuit against the city for rejecting citizen petitions toward repealing the city's pro-LGBT equal rights ordinance. Pro bono attorneys on behalf of the city subpoenaed a set of pastors who had been involved in collecting signatures against the city's equal rights ordinance. The subpoenas called on the pastors to submit "all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to the [Houston Equal Rights Ordinance], the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession."   FREEDOM OF SPEECH - NOPE - NOT IF IT OFFENDS ONE IN POWER.
    Next,  We had Al-Quada, then ISIS, and now Khorasan.  What is Khorasan?  Here is Now I Get It by Katie Couric about the Khorasan. (click on the link).
   Take time to listen to it.  It is only a couple of minutes long.  I ask you again:  ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?   Yes, we are!!!
    Christians and the conservative, Bible believing people are targets of the whole world.  What can help?  Prayer, prayer, prayer!!! 
    Does God really hear prayers?   You betcha he does.  Not only does he hear, but he answers them as well.  Use the Muslim obedience to extreme - instead of praying 3 times a day - pray continually - from daylight to dark and in your sleep.  God loves you - do you love Him?  Enough to be obedience and change the world?   Keep the faith my friend.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace