I do hope you had time to thing about the "BOLT" and your purpose and meaning in life to God. Here is something else I would like you to think about.
What happens when it rains or water pours into an area and the water just sits? No place to go, no fresh water coming in, what happens to the water? The water becomes stagnant. The water comes in, sits until more rain comes, or until it evaporates. The water, the H2O does nothing. Oh, wait, it does do something, it draws mosquitoes and other unwanted elements. It brings about zero or negative progress.
This is the Dead Sea. It takes in water, keeps the water, and the salinity level is so great a person can float as if on a raft. The body of water remains inactive and the area around it is barren, producing no fruit. So, what purpose is the dead sea?
When water pours into an area, then leaves, the water retains a freshness that will help prosper the area. This is the Sea of Galilee. This body of water remains active and the area around it is fertile and brings forth fruits. So, why the difference between the two?
Both bodies of water are fed by the Jordan River - one is dead, the other alive. Is this not like the Christian lives; you, I, the people around us? Some go to church on Sunday morning, receive 1 hour of preaching, and then the next 167 hours do nothing with the Bible teaching they did acquire - Dead Sea Christians.
Then, there are others who are Sea of Galilee's; taking the information, going forth and spreading the Good News of Jesus, and bringing forth fruits for God. They may actually give back their 10% of time (16.8 hours a week) to God. Maybe only 5% (8.4 hours), but this is still being a tributary from the Sea of Galilee, being alive, sharing the Good News, instead of being of the Dead Sea.
Luke 11:28 New King James Version (NKJV) 28 But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Here is a picture of the Sea of Galilee :
This shows the fertile area around.
Now a picture of the Dead Sea,
This shows masses of salt and not vegetation growth.
where would you put yourself today? Sea of Galilee or Dead Sea? This
is strictly between you and God. For more on this go to Christianity -
Thoughts by Johnny. Love you all
In Christ's Love and Grace