Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
How often do we just take things for granted? Many, many times. Just a couple of quick notes to prick your mind and hopefully create more of a "thank you God" attitude.
Our church is under a bridge, no walls, no doors, and no judgement. A lot of our congregation are people who live under bridges, in woods, anywhere they can be protected from the elements. They are just happy to have a place to be out of the weather, stay comfortably warm, and live.
I live in a home with my wife and when I woke this early a.m. my water had frozen. Now, this was a problem for me, however, I was far better off than many of our church members -- I have a warm home. Fortunately, as I tell my wife, God takes care of the stupid and I am living proof. (LOL) The insulation had blown off my pipes, and at 15 degrees the pipes had started to freeze. I took a small heater, reinsulated the pipes, created a barrier so the heat would thaw the pipes, and, within 10 minutes our water was back on. Did I have problems---I thought so. But our problems are relative to our situation. I had a warm place to sleep, many of our people did not. So, as my water came back on I thanked God for the minimal problem I had. Here is a quote for you to read and think about. It hit me when my water froze. This is by Doug Westmoreland.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we never had a problem or a bad day? And yet the sunshine after a storm is often brighter and more pleasurable than the sunshine after a string of cloudless days. Happiness that follows a troubled time can be more intense or at least more appreciated than happiness in the midst of an easy time.

The water flowing was my sunshine after the storm. All I can say is thank you Jesus for protecting us and caring for us. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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